Web Application Development Guide for Beginner’s

Web Application Development Guide for Beginner's | Optymize


The process of creating dynamic web-based applications is known as web application development. This complex process involves designing and building them. The web apps should then be tested for flaws before being deployed as web-based applications. These applications are stored on remote servers and provide services over the internet. Any browser can be used to access web applications (as long the web apps are compatible).

Web apps can be created for a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. When you are developing your web app you should consider the following properties such as well-designed, flexible, scalable, and responsive. It should also provide superior security, personalization, and performance.

This guide will discuss how you can set your foot in the complex process of web application development. It will also shed light upon the skills and tools you will require in the steps to develop a web application.

Web Application Definition

From a user point of view, a web app is a program that lets them connect with the computer in interactive ways. A web application, from the perspective of a web developer, is a client-server computer programme. In this system, The client side inputs data, and the server side computes and returns the results in an interactive manner.

Types of Web Applications

Web applications can be developed in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of the user. The following are a few examples of the various types:

  1. Static Web Application
  2. Dynamic Web Application
  3. eCommerce Web App
  4. Portal Web Apps
  5. Content Management Systems
  6. Progressive Web Apps

Web Application Development

The process of developing a web application that can be accessed through a browser is known as web application development. Developers will work on both the front-end and back-end, integrating them to provide end-users with interactive online services.

You must have an idea before you begin the cycle of web application development. Based on the idea, one will need to find a solution on how to design it and begin development. Before beginning development, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the appropriate technologies, such as frameworks, languages, and other tools.

Developers begin by imagining a web application to solve a specific problem, then design it, choose an appropriate framework for development, test it, and finally deploy it.

Benefits of Web Application Development

  1. Web applications only need to be browser compatible not Device or OS.
  2. Everyone uses the same version of the web app.
  3. These apps don’t need to be installed on a hard drive, so they take up less space.
  4. A web app system is easier to update and maintain.
  5. Because of low maintenance web apps reduce costs.

Web Application Development Frameworks And Tools

1. Backend Technologies

For the development of backend features, various technologies are used. The backend comprises several parts such as Databases, server-side programming, web servers, APIs.

Top Backend Frameworks and Programming Languages:

Framework Programming Language
Django Python
Laravel PHP
Ruby on Rails Ruby
ExpressJS NodeJS


  1. The Oracle
  2. MySQL
  3. MS SQL Server
  4. PostgreSQL
  5. MongoDB

2. Frontend Technologies

The backend consists of a database, server and the code that interacts with each other and computes the result. In contrast to that, frontend is the part where a user can see and interact. It consists of design that engages the user to use the web app. 

Top Frontend Tools for Web Application Development:

1. Code editor

  • Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code

2. Version Control System

  • Git, Apache Subversion

3. Frontend Assets

  • Googles fonts, Unsplash

4. Front frameworks

  • Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Tailwind CSS

5. CSS Preprocessors

  • Less, Sass

6. Javascript Libraries

  • JQuery, ReactJS

7. Developer tools

  • Chrome Dev Tools, Safari web inspector, Firefox Page Inspector, Microsoft Edge Developer Tools, 

8. Code Validators

  • WAVE: Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool

Web Application Development Project Ideas 

Idea is the integral part of software development. Here we will discuss 5 cool web app ideas. If you are a beginner and want to implement your brand new skills then you can work on these projects and see if your skills are enough or need upskilling. 

1. A Web Page Layout

To build an attractive web page design or layout, you will need a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. This is one of the easiest web application development projects you can work on. 

2. Website Landing Page

After you’ve completed a single-page layout, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Now you can use your acquired skills to create a page with buttons, forms, tables, posts and many more.

But first you have to decide what kind of page you want. If it’s a service page it will contain a number of a particular service with call-to-action. Or a homepage with several buttons to other pages like about and services page. 

3. To-do Web App

This is a common example for all web application developers.  It will be an exciting project for you and once you complete the project, it will also help you make your to-do list. You can also connect your app with a database. It will be easier to store, enter and edit your to-do list. 

Web Application Development Course

Web developers create interactive websites for a wide range of businesses, allowing them to sell their goods and services all over the world. As a beginner, you can look at the following courses to help you reach fluency and give yourself a chance to upskill.

  • Khan Academy: Computer Programming 
  • Introduction to CS and Programming Using Python
  • Mozilla: Learn Web Development 
  • freeCodeCamp: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures 
  • CS50’s: Introduction to Computer Science
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript for the Web Developers
  • The Web Developer Bootcamp 2022
  • Modern HTML + CSS for Beginners

Top 10 Web Application Development Languages

  1. Java
  2. PHP
  3. Python
  4. JavaScript
  5. Swift
  6. Kotlin
  7. Ruby
  8. TypeScript
  9. Perl
  10. C#

Web Application Development Companies

Web application development is a lucrative business. Every day, new websites and webapps are launched. Some of them are good and some aren’t. If you have a good business idea, you can contact one of the companies listed above and share your requirements for how you want your web app to be built. You should consider many facts regarding building the web app such as design, colors, and the overall presentation of information or content. 

An attractive website is actually a great secret to acquire constant leads for a business website. We all know it, but we rarely put it into practice. .As a beginner, it is  important  to know the companies and the services they offer. 

This section will talk only about companies and the later section will be on Web Development services.


It is a free remote freelancer marketplace. If you have web app development skills then you can apply at Optymize and become a freelance software developer from any part of the globe. 

Along with Web development, Optymize has recently launched a particular network of remote freelancers focusing on emerging technologies such as Metaverse, Cybersecurity, IoT, Machine Learning, Data Science, AI etc. 

If you want a comfortable working life then Optymize is a great destination for you. 

  1. Solulab
  2. MojoLab 
  3. CygnisMedia 
  4. Selleo 
  5. RapidOps
  6. WillowTree 

Web Application Development Services

Some of the most common web app services are listed below. Many companies provide these services globally. If you are a beginner, then you should have some background knowledge on these services. 

  1. SaaS Apps Development Services
  2. Front end Development Services
  3. Progressive Web Apps Development Services
  4. E-commerce Web Apps Development Services
  5. Custom Web Apps Development for Enterprises


Web Application development is a crafty process. There are several types of web apps and you have to research, as a web app developer, what kind of web app will support a particular business. If you need to build a portfolio then one page web app is absolutely fine. If you want to sell something, then you must develop an e-commerce site. 

Likewise, the skills and knowledge for building a web app will keep changing with new innovation. If you’re starting now, then you must keep on upskilling in order to be an influential web app developer.



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