How to Hire a TypeScript Developer

How to Hire a TypeScript Developer


TypeScript Developer

TypeScript programming language is in every way, an improvement over Javascript, yet to truly understand the necessity of TypeScript, we must understand the scope of JavaScript. Presently, every company in the world that is involved in developing web-pages requires JavaScript developers. Yet at best. it is tolerated among more experienced developers due to its many drawbacks. Whether it is due to the “sloppiness” in many implementations, the fact that it has been bloated far past its optimal use, or its inherent limitations, now is the time for TypeScript developers to grow.

To understand the exact relation between JavaScript and TypeScript, terms like ECMAScript have to be understood. Ecma International is the author of ECMAScript (ES) which acts as a documentation of standardization for various electronics for the past three decades. Where each edition of ECMAScript deals with some specific aspect of JavaScript, TypeScript can be simply referred to as JavaScript + ES6 + ES7. This is why TypeScript is often termed as an extension or superset of JavaScript. The relevance to TypeScript Developers, include the compatibility with JavaScript, the ability to switch between static and dynamic typing, and a host of other features that make it an improvement. So, while TypeScript developers can do everything that JavaScript developers can, the reverse does not hold true.

This article will cover the most relevant subject about TypeScript developers. These include the features of TypeScript, the job opportunities, and the questions anyone hiring TypeScript developers should ask.

Features for TypeScript Developers

While listing every single new feature of TypeScript would be unfeasible, especially as each update promises something new, the most important ones are something that every TypeScript developer should know about.

Some of the Features that TypeScript offers Include:

  • Type Annotation: Type annotations are the means by which TypeScript is capable of static typing. However, TypeScript developers are not forced into it as they are capable of ignoring it and simply using dynamic typing. 
  • Interfaces (via. Declaration files): Similar to header files used in C and C++, declaration files are used to perform a similar function. They act as interfaces for components in TypeScript code once it is converted to JavaScript during compilation.
  • Generics: Generics are software entities which allow for functions to be written in the form of basic templates with the data types to be added later. This is the means by which generic programming is possible and it isn’t limited to just TypeScript. At least a dozen different languages use the same term or an equivalent one, and it can also be classified as an example of Polymorphism. The primary advantage it offers is in the reduction of redundancy or duplication.
  • Namespace
  • Classes and Modules

The Roadmap for TypeScript Developers

The Roadmap of TypeScript has been published on github by microsoft, its creator company. 

It covers the features and fixes that were added within 6 month intervals from 2019 onwards. Additionally, future plans and other user documentation are also available.

What Should you look for in a Typescript Developer – Skills:

First and foremost, every TypeScript developer must have a strong foundation in JavaScript, as well as several years of expertise with the older programming language. You should also look for someone who can create complicated apps, generally utilizing TypeScript. Request proof of previous experience successfully performing these sorts of tasks.

Given TypeScript’s enormous popularity, you should have no trouble hiring an experienced, skilled Typescript developer who specializes in the language. Because it is essentially JavaScript, a developer who is familiar with the source language will be able to pick it up fast. That’s not to imply that a JavaScript developer will instantly know how to code in TypeScript, but it will come in handy.

Still, with so many devs willing to learn TypeScript, it’s a win-win situation.

Jobs for TypeScript Developers

TypeScript on its own does not guarantee employment as any developer, freelancer or fully employed. As such, it is advisable for any employees to diversify in their interests and for employers to seek potential TypeScript developers who do so.

Outside of this, for any developer who specialized or is otherwise skilled in TypeScript, these are the most likely sources of employment:

  • Front-end Developers: While web developer may be considered too broad a term for many team roles, TypeScript is a good option to know for both front-end and back-end developers. However, TypeScript developers are best suited to work in the front-end of the website. This is no surprise considering the origin for the TypeScript language.
  • Full-stack Developers: While fullstack may deal with both the front and back-end of the website, a TypeScript developer can still find employment in this role, depending on their other regions of expertise. Even if focused on the back-end, a developer would still find TypeScript relevant for the purpose of integration.
  • App Developers: Due to their greater range of features compared to the preceding JavaScript, one of the advantages TypeScript developers possess is in the fact that the language is now suitable to work in programming web applications rather than just webpages.
  • Others: While other positions may not be obvious to TypeScript developers, there is potential in the future with the addition of new features. Moreover, among freelancers where roles in a team can change within a project’s lifetime, a better alternative to JavaScript will never go awry.

Common Interview Questions to ask TypeScript Developers

For many employers, TypeScript is a relatively new development and so, the general questions that should be asked to prospective hires to judge their competency in TypeScript statements isn’t as well known compared to the likes of say Python or MySQL or even JavaScript. As such, this is even more of a problem for the potential applicants as for many, this is an unknown territory.

So, below are listed some of the important points/questions that can be asked to accurately gauge their potential or at least their theoretical knowledge.

  • 1. What is the exact relation/difference between JavaScript and TypeScript?
  • 2. What are the primary benefits/features provided by TypeScript that are not available in JavaScript?
  • 3. What are the components of TypeScript? Explain their functioning.
  • 4. What are the data types available in TypeScript and what is the most optimal way to use them?
  • 5. How to install TypeScript in various operating systems and the general steps for installations (through Command Line Interface and Visual Studio).
  • 6. Is static typing mandatory in TypeScript? What advantages and disadvantages do static and dynamic typing offer?
  • 7. How do we use:
  • – Generics
  • – Namespace
  • – Decorations
  • 8. Does TypeScript utilize overloading and overriding? If yes, how do we implement them?
  • 9. Define interface and type statements. Differentiate between them?

Definition questions in general are the standard for any interview at an entry level, but having a theoretical understanding is not a certain guarantee for actual competency as many senior developers look up issues regarding basic syntax or other facts, instead basing their seniority on the basis of expertise at solving undocumented or previously unexperienced issues. The same holds true for TypeScript developers.

The better alternative to test developers, including TypeScript developers is by using use-cases. They will often have to deal with bugs or errors or otherwise unique client requests, so the ability to at least plan a possible solution, find errors or provide potential workarounds through documentation alone is invaluable.

  • 10. As a TypeScript developer, what additional skills do you possess?
  • If a TypeScript developer has previous experience, asking about previous experience with projects and so on is a good gauge of ability, though it is advised to have an expert in order to clarify and ask about relevant points.

Expected Salary of TypeScript Developers

Like all forms of occupation, the salary of a TypeScript Developer is dependent on geography, rank, company and qualification.
In the US for instance, the salary of TypeScript developers can be represented as follows:

  • Average monthly salary is $10,417
  • Lower end monthly salary is $9167
  • Higher end monthly salary is $12513

Common Sites to Hire TypeScript Developers

These are some of the best sites for hiring TypeScript developers:


If you want a diverse pool of candidates from all around the world, with variable skill levels and price, Optymize is the place to go. Because they have high-quality prospects who have been thoroughly verified. This implies that you will spend less time screening and testing Typescript developers. All you have to do is specify your needs, and Optimize will identify an appropriate candidate for you to hire.


Toptal is the spot to go if your project necessitates only the best React developers in the world. Only 3% of candidates pass the rigorous examinations necessary only to have their contact information placed on the website. It’s an excellent pick for any position since you can expect raw talent and refined expertise from anybody you hire.


Hire senior Typescript developers with great technical and communication abilities at competitive costs from Turing, ready to work in your timezone. This is an amazing service for finding Typescript developers who meet the requirements of your project.

Common Arguments and Opinions regarding Typescript and Typescript developer

There are many arguments, opinions and views shared among many developers, including typescript developers in forums and similar mediums that are presented as facts. This makes finding factual information difficult as often many arguments posit these views as facts. SO while it may not be possible to give a completely unbiased look at the picture, they can be contrasted with a more clinical outlook.

  • TypeScript is a tool, not a proper language: A view held by more pedantic or conservative developers, the fact that TypeScript must first be compiled into another language is not a valid reason to disqualify it, but other factors such as JavaScript’s excess focus on just web-development has been seen as grounds for some to qualify this extension of JavaScript as not being a full language. While it may be true for JavaScript, the current TypeScript developer is not as limited, so this view doesn’t hold water.
  • TypeScript is duct-taping a broken language: JavaScript is infamous for its terrible design and so, it has a reputation for being improperly used. As such, TypeScript, despite its many features and fixes, has often been compared to a duct-tape for this reason. While this isn’t a completely unjustified view, it doesn’t do justice to TypeScript. The current TypeScript developer is not as limited and far more flexible than the JavaScript developers of the past and the language itself is relatively solid.
  • Assertion: JavaScript is terrible and TypeScript is an extension. Conclusion: TypeScript is terrible: This is another way of presenting the effects of the bias against JavaScript into TypeScript. This has been disproved previously and as stated, TypeScript can hardly be considered as poorly designed after it had been purposely built to remove the problems with JavaScript. So no rational person in the field would regard JavaScript or TypeScript developers as being any less competent owing to their field of expertise.

Wrapping Up

One amongst the plenty of reasons why it’s so tough to find IT talent is because people seek in the wrong areas. Don’t restrict yourself to just one place! You get the entire planet to pick from with strong IT skills. We’ve put up a list of tips to assist you to employ Typescript developṣers.



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