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Front-end development is an integral part of the web development process. After React, Angular is the second most utilized framework in web development. Angular developers are always in high demand due to the growing market for web-based software. For someone opting for a career as an Angular web developer would require an angular job description to get into the industry.
This article will discuss the duties and skills required, advantages, and what should your Angular job description should tell. Let’s get into it.
What is Angular?

Angular is a frontend-based framework created using HTML and TypeScript (a superset of JavaScript) to build Single Page Applications or SPAs. It is mainly used for the development of web and mobile-based applications.
It was developed with the purpose to simplify the structure of JavaScript. It accomplishes the task with data binding which helps in reducing the size of lengthy codes and facilitates complex ones. Other features include extensions to HTML, routing, modularity, composability, HTML rendering, unit testing, etc.
What Does An Angular Developer Job Description Means?
An Angular job description gives companies an overview of your role as a developer and what should they expect from you. Hiring Angular developers can help you creating the front end of the web and mobile-based applications and connecting with the backend to build interactive and seamless apps and APIs. Apart from these technical needs, the developer also needs to have good communication skills as well.
On different levels, an Angular job description might possess different needs-
- i) Full stack angular developer job description– Angular developers are responsible to create high-functioning user interfaces and designer wireframes in the front end. In the backend, they build REST-based APIs and develop databases and servers to support the website. For mobile apps, they make sure of cross-platform optimization as well.
- ii) Junior Angular developer job description– They design and develop appealing user interfaces. Most often their job is to identify and remove bugs and errors in the code, create tests to check if the code is functioning or not, and create documentation.
- iii) Senior Angular developer job description– These developers can develop the whole front end with their experience. Angular job description of such developers includes responsibilities for designing, developing, testing, and debugging applications. They can ensure all the technical glitches and if all the requirements from designing to implementation are getting met.

What is the Job of an Angular Developer?
The main job of any Angular developer is to build a fully functioning user interface for web and mobile-based applications and related modules. Apart from it, they perform a variety of roles and responsibilities in the development process, be it in front end or full stack, in the design stage, or in testing and debugging. They even implement other technologies such as Ruby, Java, and CSS and work with other members of the team from different technical backgrounds for the development and testing of the overall project.
Let’s check out some roles Angular web developers play:
Angular Developer Roles and Responsibilities
Angular web developers are responsible for the design and development of front-end and user interfaces using the AngularJS framework. The most important roles of the developers are to look after the development processes of websites, be it single-page, server-side rendering, graphic-rich UI, or mobile apps.
Some of the daily roles and responsibilities that come with an Angular job description:
- >Build dynamic and interactive User Interface and front end.
- >Create and develop web applications.
- >Perform Product development analysis.
- >Create REST API with back-end developers and ensure the front end is also able to query it.
- >Design, develop and test scripts of a cross-platform environment.
- >Generate non-blocking code using multi-threading.
- >Identify and solve front-end code issues and bugs.
- >Write documentation and clear HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes.
- >Make technical and design-related decisions for the project.
- >Assisting and coordinating with HTML coders and designers.
Angular Web Developer Requirements
An Angular job description must contain particular educational qualifications and practical experiences (unless fresher).
The minimum qualification required for becoming an Angular web developer is to complete a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, information technology, or Electronics. Apart from a Bachelor’s degree, you can also take additional courses, diplomas, and internships in specific languages to increase your tech stack in your angular job description and have better chances of getting hired.
Many companies and startups prefer candidates with practical experience with the supposed tech. Could be a project you have worked on or something you created. If you are a fresher, you can join training seminars and internships to get that experience apart from academic knowledge. There you can work with an experienced developer and gain a deeper perspective on the angular developer job.
What Are The Skills Required For An Angular Job?
Some technical skills you should have in your Angular job description:
1. NPM
The Node Package Manager(NPM) is the primary tool used in Angular to install and publish thousands of front-end web development programs and packages. The whole of Angular uses multiple npm modules and packages. Hence, you must learn how to install modules using NPM.
2. Angular CLI
Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is the most important package of Angular. CLI makes sure you are installing and adding the right packages, using the right components, modules, services, and much more in your project.
3. HTML and CSS
Apart from JavaScript, two more important pillars of front-end web development are HTML and CSS. They are fundamental languages for web development and if your angular job description doesn’t contain these two, your chances of hiring the best Angular developer can be reduced. HTML provides structure to your web app and websites while CSS helps design user interface.
4. TypeScript
The Angular framework is written in TypeScript (TS). TS is a superset of JavaScript that supports strong typing. If you are creating apps with Angular, knowledge of TypeScript is a must. Compared to traditional JavaScript, TypeScript has low bugs, more uses of variables and functions, code refactoring, and many more features that will help you code better and concisely.
5. RxJS
RxJS is an independent library often used with Angular for tasks such as sending data requests to HTTP. It is often suited to reactive programming with features such as observables that help in creating APIs and accomplishing asynchronous tasks.
6. Git
With Git, you can experiment with new features and techniques. Git repository allows you to save your primary code, hence, you are free to experiment with the code in any way you like and get creative. It helps you a lot in evolving your code base.
Besides, knowledge of REST web services, SEO, and APIs is also important.
How Can I Improve My Angular Skills?
Here are a few tips you can follow to improve your skills and increase your knowledge for a better-looking angular job description:
- i) Keep your basics clear – Learning the fundamentals of computer programming, web and mobile applications, frameworks and modules will be beneficial for your web development career. Even if you progress to a particular department, knowledge of some necessary skills is always good.
- ii)Build a portfolio – While you are honing your skills, also focus on building your portfolio to showcase your tech stacks, projects are done and experience gathered. Also, develop skills you think are lacking from your existing portfolio and will also help build a strong angular job description. With a wide range of skills in your arsenal, you can build a great full-stack angular job description profile.
- iii)Keep practising – It doesn’t matter if you have mastered a certain skill or landed your dream job. If you stop practising, you are done. Continuing your learning and education is essential if you want to be relevant with the new technologies and build creative applications. Practising your coding skills will also help you write better and more concise codes and help you secure a job faster. With enough experience, you can also build a senior angular job description profile.
Angular developers are skilled professionals who can also work independently on either contract basis or project basis. With their experience and skill sets, it is easy for them to learn and master new languages and frameworks as well. One of the reasons why they are always in demand. With a great angular job description you can land any job or get hired for a project. Beside development, you can also get hired for testing, designing or managing the project. So keep learning and enhancing your skills and market will reward you accordingly.
If you are looking for a job and are willing to work remotely, Optymize can help. We are a marketplace platform that provides top developers to global clients and fortune 500 companies for their software projects. Click here to get hired!