WebMD provides valuable health information as well as different tools for managing your health. WebMD is the leading source for trustworthy and timely health and medical news and information. Providing credible health information, supportive community.
WebMD was in need of maintaining their existing projects along with expanding their technical team focusing on quality works. They were encountering problems on different factors such as privacy laws and cultural fit for their team. Their existing contract hires would neither ask questions nor contribute ideas on projects.
After learning about Optymize, the leadership team at WebMD decided to try creating embedded technical teams. They hired two Optymize engineers on front end and back end development who worked on maintenance and building new features.
“The first project that the Optymize team got to do didn’t have a lot of wiggle room in terms of the delivery date; it was a risky, complicated project; and to be honest I was a little bit concerned,” said Peter Johanson, Software Development Manager at WebMD.
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"I gave them a high-level architecture briefing, and they took it and ran with it. And they were great. After that I said we have to grow with Optymize"
Peter Johanson

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